Local Laws

On it's meeting held on Wednesday 20th March, 2013, Council adopted local laws and subordinate local laws that incorporate model local laws. The following notice was published in the Local Government Gazette on Friday 19th April, 2013

Local Government Act 2009


1. This notice may be cited as Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council ( Making of Local Law) Notice (No.1) 2013


2. This notice commences on the date it is published in the gazette.

Making of Local Laws

3. Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council has, by resolution dated the twentieth day of March 2013 made:

(a) the local laws identified in schedule 1, column 1; and 
(b) the subordinate local laws identified in schedule 1, column 2.

Purpose and General Effect

4. The purpose and general effect of the local laws identified in the corresponding part of schedule 1, column3.


5. A copy of the local laws in schedule 1, column 1 and the subordinate local laws identified in schedule 1, column 2, may be:

(a) Inspected and purchased at Council's public office at Muni Street, Hope Vale; and
(b) Viewed by the public on the website of the Department of Local Government

Schedule 1

Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council Law No.1 (Administration) 2013

Name of Subordinate Local Law:
Hope Vale Shire Council Subordinate Local Law No.1 (Administration) 2013

Purpose and general effect of the local law or subordinate local law:
To provide legal and procedural framework for the administration, implementation and enforcement of the Local Government Local Laws

Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council Law No.2 (Animal Management) 2013

Name of Subordinate Local Law:
Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council Subordinate Local Law No.2 (Animal Management) 2013

Purpose and general effect of the local law or subordinate local law:
To regulate and manage the keeping and control of animals in the Local Government area.

Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council Law No.3 (Community and Environmental Management) 2013

Name of Subordinate Local Law:
Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council Subordinate Local Law No.3 (Community and Environmental Management) 2013

Purpose and general effect of the local law or subordinate local law:
To protect the environment and public health, safety and amenity within the Local Government area

Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council Local Law.4 (Local Government Controlled Areas, Facilities and Roads) 2013

Name of Subordinate Local Law:
Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council Subordinate Local Law No.4 (Local Government Controlled Areas, Facilities and Roads) 2013

Purpose and general effect of the local law or subordinate local law:
To protect the health and safety of persons using local government controlled land, facilites, infrastructure and roads and to preserve features of the natural and built environment and other aspects of the amenity of the Local Government controlled land, facilites, infrastrucure and roads.

Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council Local Law No. 5 (Parking) 2013

Name of Subordinate Local Law:
Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council Subordinate Local Law No.5 (Parking) 2013

Purpose and general effect of the local law or subordinate local law:
To complement the regulated parking provisions in chapter 5, part 6 of the TORUM Act by proiding for the exercise of local government powers authorized under the Act.

Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council Local Law No.7 (Indigenous Community Land Management) 2013

Name of Subordinate Local Law:
Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council Subordinate Local Law No.7 (Indigenous Community Land Management) 2013

Purpose and general effect of the local law or subordinate local law:
To enable local governments that have jurisdiction over trust areas under the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act 1984 to regulate the use of these areas.